Monday, May 5, 2014


              I find Mandala art very beautiful and inspiring.  I found a bunch of tips on pinterest on how to start a mandala.  There are mandala basics that show you simple symbols to use.  Mandala starts small and turns into something amazing.  The simplest of symbols put together can make it look so complex and beautiful.  Here is my first attempt at mandala. 

I started with a pencil drawing

Then used very fine tip marker pens to add color

          My next attempt will be to paint a mandala on the left over black canvas from my canvas collage.   Here are the pinterest links to the mandala basics and mapping out mandalas.  Please feel free to follow my art therapy board or any other board that inspires you. Thank you for reading!

Draw on my friends,
Nicole Joliada

Friday, May 2, 2014

FUN FACT FRIDAY ~ Moyamoya Day May 6th!

Fun Fact:

May 6th is Moyamoya Day!
This year is the 2nd annual Moyamoya Day. 

Moyamoya is a rare disease that effects the arteries
in your brain.  The arteries become blocked or "tangled" and can cause
strokes and other symptoms.  The word Moyamoya is Japanese for "puff of smoke".

  My aunt was diagnosed with Moyamoya disease over a year ago.
In support of her and others with this disease I ask you all to 
send up a light blue balloon into the sky.  
You can write on your balloon either your loved one's name, their initials,
the letters MM or even WG (my aunts initials).

If you can't send up a balloon then be creative.
Draw, paint, create your own light blue balloon.
Take a picture of it and set it free into cyberspace for all to see!

Please take photos of your balloons and post on
instagram, twitter, Facebook, or even on here.
If you put them on instagram or twitter please use #MoyamoyaWG and tag @JoliadaPhoto
I hope many of you will participate.  
Thank you, thank you, thank you in advance

Please sign this petition in order to help May 6th become 
officially recognized/documented as 
"World Moyamoya Day"
We need to raise awareness about this disease in order to help
others. There are links at the bottom for more information. Please take
a look and share them, thank you!

*All links above helped me further understand Moyamoya disease.  These links are informational and are not meant to be used for medical advice.  These links are strictly used to raise awareness.

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Nicole joliada