Monday, April 29, 2019

Easing into it

I can't believe it's been 2 weeks since I last posted! I have been easing into this new lifestyle change. I used my couch to 5k app once a week since I started, so I just finished week 1 yesterday. I know, I know that's really easing into it lol but don't worry I have been keeping active the rest of the week too. I went on a long speed walk every other day. Next week I'd really like to dive in and do all three of week 2's workouts within that week. I would do it this week but I'm a start my week on Sundays kind of girl. I will however continue to do my speed walking this week to keep active. I'm hoping by June 1st I'll be able to see some results.

As for my food intake I started using the calorie counter on my Fitbit app. I'm really enjoying it. I've been trying to record daily yet missed a day or two. Overall I have to say I'm pretty proud of myself. I have been limiting my chocolate and sugar intake. I also try to stop eating by 7pm. If I know I'll be up super late though (11:30pm or midnight) I sneak a snack around 8pm.

Like I said in my last post this blog is to help myself stay accountable. I haven't weighed myself since I started but I can feel a difference in my body. Maybe its newfound confidence or maybe I lost weight already. I know if the scale doesn't show a decrease I'll be disappointed though. So I'm going to wait until June 1st to weigh in. Thank you for following along with me on this journey. Hopefully I'll have something more exciting for you in the next post lol


Healthy Living

I now dub thee my health blog!

I hope you can relate to some if not all of what I'll be talking about. Let me tell you more about me though, that might be more helpful. In all honesty I haven't been the healthiest since I had my son. He is almost a year and a half. I was definitely healthier when I was pregnant. I guess it was the whole eating for another human thing that really kept me on track. After I gave birth I breastfed for several months so I was still watching what I was eating. When I finished breastfeeding, all bets were off. I was so excited that I could drink caffeinated coffee and eat tons of chocolate without harming the baby that I went a little crazy. My weight was always a little "yo-yo" so I didn't think much of it when I saw I gained a little weight. It wasn't until the past month or so I realized how out of hand it got. I am currently at my heaviest I've ever been. That includes when I was nine months pregnant. When I came to that realization it was a lot to process. I am currently 200 lbs and 5'3". I know I don't have to tell you but I know it will help keep me accountable throughout this journey.

Today I did the first workout from the app Couch to 5k. If you've seen any of my past blogs you might remember that I actually downloaded that app for the first time 5 YEARS AGO. I literally used it twice and then never opened it again. Needless to say when I downloaded it today I meant it. Something needs to change in my routine. The workout totally kicked my butt. I walk often yet I'm definitely not a jogger/runner. I wanted to stop jogging and just walk so bad yet the app breaks your jogging sessions into 1 minute intervals. I kept telling myself you can do this, only 30 seconds left. Even though its just day 1 I am so proud that I actually did it. I am not usually good at self motivation, it really depends on the task. Today was a win for sure. I even made sure to eat a healthy breakfast and not over eat. I brought a little snack and my water for when I cooled down after. Now the trick is to conquer the sugar cravings I know I'll have later. They always sneak up on me after the baby goes to bed. I just have to keep telling myself that I'm doing this to be a healthier me not as a punishment. I need to stay focused and not let life get in the way anymore. This is life, it needs to be a priority.

As for the future of this blog I don't have a plan really. I do know that I started this one in particular when I was working through some things, so it seemed like the perfect place to write about this particular journey. I will definitely be talking about my exercise practices, eating habits, spirituality and motherhood. I am an artist so I have a separate blog for my art life called Nicole Joliada, which you can find on Wordpress (sorry Blogger lol). Thank you for stopping by. I hope you will follow me on this journey and that you might find some motivation from it as well :-)

Sending you positive vibes!